Monday, April 30, 2012

Do you know what it's like to be truly in love?

It is more than being naked, caressing the body with touching, smelling, kissing and having sex.  It is to invite the one and only person into your mind and soul.  Opening up your heart, let them read you like an open book about your past, understanding your whole life experiences that you had with no kept secret.  To cling onto each other's hand with grip, not letting go due to whatever life's obstacles throwing at them during the present.  Dreaming of a brighter future that may seem impossible to others, but not to believers.  It makes us better, stronger, motivated but at the same time vulnerable, desperate, and weak.  that is why most of us, are afraid of being in love.  Even if we're with someone, we fear the disappointment and lies because it hurts.  Despite the pain, we still give them more chances than they deserve because we're trapped in love.

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